Sunday, January 9, 2011

Third Story Update/Preview

Hey everyone, CJ here. Well I have started to work on my third story again. I managed to get out of my writers block funk and wrote a few pages today. Just to let you guys know I am working on this one with a friend. What we are doing is I am still writing the story how I want it to be and then sending it off to him so he can make it more detailed so that you guys can enjoy it more. So here is a little taste of what we came up with:

“THERE YA HAVE IT FOLKS! IT’S REAL!” But then suddenly the merchant falls silent. “And it is because of this, that I have decided I won’t be selling this weapon.” With a gleam in his eyes he continues, “Rather my belief is that something like this must be earned! Just like the Captain of the Prontera Guard, who too wields a Dragon Slayer, you must earn this blade!”
Stunned everyone just stares in disbelief. Slowly the merchant rises up and announces, “That is why I will be holding a Tournam-“
Suddenly a blood curdling scream rips through the air. Shocked everyone frantically looks about to see the source of the sound. A woman runs into the square, her clothing in disarray.
Panting the woman tries to catch her breath as the square bursts into movement. Shopkeepers race to board up their buildings as townsfolk and adventurers race for safety. Silently the merchant sheaths the Dragon Slayer in its scabbard and places it in his cart. “Well then,” he says, “this is convenient. Anyone who wishes to own the Dragon Slayer can earn it by getting rid of the dragons!” With that he slowly turns around and at a brisk walk proceeds to the west gate followed by a dozen or so swordsmen and other adventurers.
As they neared the gate, they could all see the devastation that had taken place. One lone Gold Acidus had taken out an entire squad of Pronterian Guards. As the group stopped the Acidus saw them and with a loud screech it began to charge. “Well then,” the merchant calmly said, “Who’s going to slay that dragon?” Before anyone of them could move a knight jumped in front of the charging Acidus and grabbed its head. With a grunt the newcomer stopped the Acidus in its tracks and threw it against a building as if it was a rag doll.
Shaken the Acidus growled and faced the knight. Breathing in deeply it gathered up its magic and then with a loud clap released it. A wave of fire raced out towards the knight, who just stood there and watched it come on. At the last possible second he side stepped the attack and rushed forward. Before the Acidus could do anything, the knight slammed into it and sent it reeling back. With a mighty roar the Acidus took flight and once again began to gather its magic. The knight silently unsheathed his sword and without hesitation launched it toward the dragon. It slammed into chest of the Acidus and no matter how hard the Acidus tried, it couldn’t keep flying and slowly began to fall towards the ground. With a crash it slammed into the ground and as it lay dying the knight walked over to it.
Slowly everyone who was watching this exchange crept forward with the merchant in front. They watched as the knight slowly withdrew his sword from the chest of the Acidus and then silently slam it into its head. Suddenly the sword began to shin with a fiery light and then ignited in flame. The knight then whispered “Ignition Break.” A brilliant flash lit the area, one so bright it caused everyone looking to shut their eyes. As it faded away the knight still stood but the sword and dragon were gone. Only a pile of ash remained where they once were.

Let me know what you guys think ^_^

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